Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Assignment 5: Action

In this assignment we were asked to make a performance art piece. In class we learned that performance art is influenced by the work of sound artist John Cage, the anti-art movement Dadaism, and fluxus, and so it is not surprising that many performance art pieces are made to provoke thought and often involve socially unacceptable subject matter such as public nudity. Performance art "challenges and violates borders", and must be remembered through documentation of the performance because of its ephemeral nature.

My performance was much more tame than the work of artists such as Vito Acconci and Tehching Hsieh. Taking inspiration directly from the assignment handout, I "[took] the action of folding [my] laundry, and place[d] it on a public sidewalk." This piece moved a commonplace event into a different and unexpected context in order to assess how this might change the meaning of the act.

I brought an ironing board to help make the action of folding clothes more recognizable, and stood at the corner of an intersection on campus for fifteen minutes on a Monday morning while I folded as many garments as I had been able to fit into one laundry hamper. I did not know what to expect from the piece in advance. I had hoped that campus security might come to ask me to move along, in which case I would have requested a written warning, which would have made a great documentation of the performance. With the exception of a fellow student in this class who waved as she drove past, nobody acknowledged me, and I was alone with my thoughts on the sidewalk in the wind for the duration of the performance. One person walking down the sidewalk crossed the street so he wouldn't have to walk past me. At one point the wind blew the tripod over.

In making this piece I explored what makes art art. When I fold my clothes at home, it's a chore, not art. There's certainly no artistry in my folding technique, either. Moving the chore to an unusual place created a situation where its meaning became undefined and open to interpretation. If one of the tasks of art is to make people think, then perhaps this performance was art. If I had said that my performance was a piece about feminism, although it was not, then it would more clearly be art because it would be specifically critiquing a female role in domestic duties. I was not trying to make that statement, however. Conversely, if I had folded my laundry on the sidewalk out of necessity, the same act would become an everyday chore again, with its commonplace meaning. I think it is the context, rather than the action, that makes this piece art. It is art not only because I, the artist, would have described it as "performance art" had anyone asked me for an explanation, but far more importantly, because my university art professor provided the concept for this performance specifically in a list of acceptable ideas on the handout for an art assignment in an art class. Duchamp's Fountain, the "urinal on the wall", was art because he said it was, and this is art because my art professor said it is.

Crushed garbage from the nearby road and parking lot 
This tennis ball was sitting by the curb on the other side of the street

Some lint from the dryer

During the performance

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