Sunday, February 28, 2016

Assignment 3: Anti-Video

Rose Colored Glasses

When I did my video observation, I found that mainstream videos today share many common themes. They all seem to be very “human-centric”, with most of the footage being of people, like hosts and characters. When I closed my eyes and listened to the sound being played with the videos, it was almost entirely human voices, like narration and people talking. The footage was taken from the familiar perspective of human eye level. We like to watch other people talking about things. In lecture we learned that films almost exclusively have plots that are easy to follow and have logical conclusions, and are made to be passively consumable.
In this assignment, we were asked to make an “anti-video”, which goes against the conventions of videos in popular media. I did not include any footage of people in my video, although most of the footage was taken from typical human vantage points. I did use some upside-down footage of empty hallways for a non-human perspective, and I like that it can take a moment to realize that our familiar hallways are upside down. I think that I expect that the footage I watch is going to be from the standard human perspective, and I don’t seem to put much effort into confirming whether it actually is or not, so the upside-down hallways create an interesting illusion to me. I did also use human voice in this video because it really seems to demand our attention, and I thought it would be useful in making the video more surreal. I called my poor brother on the phone and silently recorded his answer, and he very kindly gave me permission to use the recordings when I later explained what I had been doing. I think that his “hellos” feel like they should have a meaning or purpose in this video, even though they have none.

I find it interesting that we seem to want to make sense of what’s going on in a video, and so in a random assembly of footage and sound we’re still trying to piece together a plot, even if there is none. To make this video, I used my brother’s voice and sounds of a string trimmer and frying eggs, along with footage of upside-down hallways, cracking eggs, an online textbook, tree tops, a hollow log, and some footage of a field taken through a rose-colored glass casserole dish lid. The pieces have nothing more in common than that they were the things I had access to in a typical week, but I like that it appears as though they have some collective meaning when placed together in the finished video. My anti-video is fairly strange, but I think it does accomplish the goal of going against standard media conventions.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Review of "Love Stories" by artist Nichola Kinch

                Artist Nichola Kinch’s spring 2016 exhibition Love Stories is uncluttered and elegant, with the gallery emptied to clean, bare walls in order to showcase her work. In front of the gallery’s large windows overlooking the woods, Kinch has hung a forest of two-dimensional, identical, cut-out images of tree trunks reaching from floor to ceiling. When viewed from the front of the room the piece looks like a group of cloned shapes in a “photoshopped” image, but the paper thin trunks give the illusion of disappearing when one walks between them.

                Kinch’s zoetrope-like machine is displayed in front of the tree trunks. Modeled after old moving image toys used before the availability of film, the interactive piece requires an audience member to look through slots on one wheel while turning a hand crank in order to view a moving image of the phases of the moon. The piece is equally impressive when viewed from a distance, because the disc displaying the moon phases is in the open and illuminated from behind. Kinch explained that the images of the moons are created by carving into the disk to allow light to shine through the thinned areas, and that no images appear when the light is turned off.

                Kinch explained that the exhibition is meant to explore optical illusions and pre-photography technology, and she has captured an atmosphere of almost fairytale-like wonder with the illusions and glowing moons displayed in the space. “Riding the line between illusion and fantasy,” as she explained, her tree trunks are only pretending to be trees. Love Stories also incorporates the passage of time in many ways. In the gallery, light shining in through the windows changes throughout the day and can distort and conceal the illuminated moon phases at times. Kinch’s work is also modeled after old technology, but made with the use of new technology. A carving drill guided by a computer was used to create the disk of moon phases, and the tree trunks, displayed in pairing with the old technology of the moving image machine, are a reference to the iconic “cloning” of cut-out images made popular by modern Photoshop software. The moon phases also directly address time, as the turning of the hand crank models the passage of month, “[representing] time and illusion”, as Kinch explained.

                The opportunity to hear Kinch speak about her work was valuable in understanding her exhibition. Kinch described her work as having a hands-on quality that relates to her background in ceramics, and she shared her delight in creating layers of illusions in the gallery space. In this exhibition, there is no agenda or deeper meaning, but rather a place meant just to be explored and enjoyed. Many exhibitions offer complicated social critiques, requiring thought and research to understand properly, and Kinch's descriptions reinforce that this exhibition is meant for “play.” 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Video Observation

For our Video Observation homework assignment, we were asked to spend one day “pay[ing] special attention to the video” we “see on television, computer, phone, and movie screens.” I do not have television, so on the day of my observations I took the excuse to watch a lot of media online. I watched some of the videos embedded in news article pages, a few episodes of a BBC expedition documentary/nature show on Netflix, and also spent some time on YouTube watching a sample of the front page recommendations. 

                I found that the shorter videos, such as commercials and those on news websites and YouTube, were usually fast paced and attention grabbing. The footage was cut and put together very tightly, so that there was very little excess time between the points of most interest. Videos with informative content were primarily shots of a person facing and speaking to the camera, peppered with illustrative photographs or animations. It seemed that the content of most of the videos was constructed to satisfy the viewers’ curiosity about something, whether about the subject matter or a tempting title. Some video could be rough, or shaky, or poorly angled or lit. Songs and sound effects had been added over some of the video, especially in commercials. 

I found that the footage I watched was generally very human-centric, having been taken at a human height, from a human perspective, in order to document something that a person was doing or experiencing. In the nature documentary, some footage was taken high up in trees or low on the forest floor, but still from the perspective of the people who had reached those places at the time, as opposed to footage taken by a drone with a camera, for example. If I closed my eyes and just listened, there was always the sound of humans talking or narrating. Any other sounds were typically much quieter than the sounds of the voices. Footage in commercials was typically of an actor or actress speaking. The majority of people visible in the video I watched were white, especially in the leading roles. Visually, male and female hosts seemed to be evenly portrayed in videos, while the majority of hosts in commercials seemed to be female, although there wasn’t any discussion of gender in that day’s sample of videos. Interestingly, almost every person in the various footage I saw was in the age range of maybe about 25 – 60, except for a few children in the background of the BBC documentary.

The more professional the context of the footage, the more it generally had bright colors and entertaining camera angles. I think that I should have watched some fictional shows on the day of my observations, because I remember a lot of interesting perspectives in TV shows like Breaking Bad. I think that the short, non-fiction videos I watched on the internet were all fairly similar to one another. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Assignment 2: Sound

Assignment 2: Sound

We have learned that the sound artist John Cage believed that all sounds are musical and worth paying attention to. After completing the listening exercise and learning about John Cage’s work, I think that I really have become more aware of the beauty in everyday sounds. When I was gathering sound recordings for this project, I noticed that I very frequently hear the sounds of doors opening and closing. Every door makes a unique sound with it's own combination of metal clicks and bumps and vibrations. When you hear something in real life, there is no loss of quality from a recording or a speaker. There really is a musical quality to even the most mundane, everyday sounds.

I gathered sounds over the weekend by taking my phone out to record anything that stood out to me during the day, like birds calling and doors closing. I also specifically sought and created a lot of destructive sounds like popping and crunching, the sound of my hand saw cutting down a dead ash sapling, and paper ripping. I enjoyed listening to the isolation of each sound in the recordings. It was like taking photographs, except that the sound is less contextually expressive and more descriptive of time as it passes.

 When it came time to put all of the sounds together, I found that I had no plan for them. I distorted some sounds, although it’s very hard to hear in the finished composition, and I layered many of them on top of each other. Each one had a specific order and place in the composition, but what I came up with was a cacophony, and I was fairly displeased at first. I have taken some time to think about it, and I think what happened was that once again I approached making a piece without a plan, and what came through was how I felt at the time. Sometimes in a comic an artist will give a character a thought bubble with only an angry scribble in it to describe how the character feels. This sound composition might be somewhat of an auditory version of that scribble. Maybe the chaos will convey that mood, of being fatigued, and stressed about school and how many things are happening at once; doors opening, and doors closing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016